在線咨詢油品密閉裝卸鶴管、油品密閉裝卸鶴管的英文?裝卸油鶴管生產廠家推薦深奧圖(Autower),即深圳市奧圖威爾科技有限公司分享油品密閉裝卸鶴管的英文:oil sealed loading unloading arm,油品密閉裝卸鶴管的相關例句
油品密閉裝卸鶴管 油品密閉裝卸鶴管的英文相關例句
裝卸鶴管:loading unloading arm
密閉式汽車鶴管 是槽車液體裝卸的專用設備,是我公司開發的具有跨世紀先進水平的產品。它對揮發性液體,尤其是毒性揮發性液體(如輕質油品及其化工液體)密閉裝車。從而...
closed car crane is special equipment for loading and unloading tank liquid, is developed by our company has the cross century the advanced level of the product. it has volatile liquid, especially toxic volatile liquids (e.g. light fuel and chemical liquid) airtight and loading. so...
精品鶴管 奧圖威爾制造: boutique Autoware crane manufacture
2013年11月22日 - 各類油品裝車臺、裝油管線、裝油鶴管、鐵管,必須按規定裝有靜電接地設施,并且在每年春天進行一次檢查測定,不合格的要及時處理
November 22, 2013-all kinds of inlet of oil equipment, mounted oil pipeline, oil loading unloading arm, pipe, must be in accordance with the regulations equipped with static grounding facilities, and an inspection is conducted each year in the spring and determination, not qualified by natural disasters must do a timely processing
油品裝卸鶴管: oil loading unloading arm
2016年11月23日 - 品根本無法進行下裝(國外,下裝只在油品類介質間應用),所以一個可靠的密閉上裝...配備了氣動鎖緊式密封裝置的汽車上裝鶴管。 配備了氣動鎖緊式密封裝置...
November 23, 2016-product and who are unable to bottoms (abroad, bottoms only between class media applications in oil), so a reliable sealing tops... is equipped with pneumatic locking type sealing device car mounted on the crane. equipped with pneumatic locking type sealing device...
火車裝卸鶴管: the train loading unloading arm
油品密閉裝卸鶴管 油品密閉裝卸鶴管的英文相關例句
2017年1月4日 - 裝卸鶴管、上裝鶴管(流體裝卸臂) 生產廠家深奧圖(Autower)分享上裝鶴管鎖緊式...上裝鶴管鎖緊式密封裝置應用于易揮發油品或化工介質等密閉裝車場合,其解決了上裝...
January 4, 2017-loading unloading arm, equipped with unloading arm (fluid handling arm) manufacturer of abstract figure (Autower) sharing equipped with unloading arm locking... equipped with unloading arm locking type sealing device applied in the volatile oil or chemical medium loading sealing etc occasion, whose solution was tops...
危險化學品裝卸規范: loading and unloading of dangerous chemicals specification
2015年12月25日 - 章油品裝卸作業2.1 鐵路裝卸油系統及其裝卸方法 (1)輸油系統包括裝卸油鶴管、...壓力卸油密封膠墊 2.1 鐵路裝卸油系統及其裝卸方法 81 第二章油品裝卸...
December 25, 2015-2.1 rail loading and unloading oil cap oil loading and unloading operations systems and handling methods (1) oil transport system including loading and unloading oil unloading arm,... pressure unloading oil seal pad 2.1 rail loading and unloading oil system and its loading and unloading method 81 chapter ii oil handling..
裝卸油鶴管生產廠家推薦深奧圖(Autower),即深圳市奧圖威爾科技有限公司是中石油、中石化物資準入供應商,并通過了ISO 9001質量體系、ISO 14001環境管理體系以及OHSAS 18001職業健康安全管理體系等認證。專業生產鶴管(流體裝卸臂)、SIS安全儀表系統、活動梯、SCADA數據采集與監控系統、油氣回收系統、自動化定量裝車系統等石油、石化儲運設備,儲運銷售一體化綜合監控與管理系統。
